summer girl 2010

summer girl 2010

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sleep baby... nap!

Today looks horrible outside, but it's better then snow. Briar is sleeping right now which makes me very happy! We have yet to get a "routine" going. It's very hard with her, because she doesn't eat enough or sleep enough, then she crashes. We started warming her formula up again and that is helping.

Thanksgiving was great because she got to try many new food like squash, sweet potatoes, cranberry, pear, banana and potatoes. She doesn't really open her mouth, I just kind of put the spoon on her lips and she sucks it off. It's very cute.

Today, I walked in the room and Ella was reading a story and snuggling with Briar. It was so freaking cute!!!!! She is so amazing with B. Last week I asked her if Briar was the same as other babies or different. She said "the same." Then I asked her who could do more things Bennett (our 5 month old nephew) or Briar and she said, "Briar." I love this, she doesn't see the world the way I do. I wish she could stay that way. By the way, Bennett can so many things now!! He can roll over, jump in the jolly, he giggles so loudly and smiles all the time. He is such a happy boy. I love seeing his smiles since Briar's are few and far between. Bath time is when she is happiest. Some times she is crying for hours and I don't know what to do, cause nothing works, so I put her in the tub and she is so relaxed (this doesn't always work, but I still try every time). If only there was an instruction manual... oh well, I'd probably lose it anyways LOL

Well I better get organized before Ella goes to cubbies, bye!

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