summer girl 2010

summer girl 2010

Friday, October 16, 2009

Cloth Dipes

We've officially made the switch to cloth! Yah for us. On the upside, because Briar doesn't eat a lot, Briar doesn't pee a lot either, so they are never super soaked. We chose Gdiapers and they work great (insert promo here). They come with compostable, throw outable and flushable inserts (not for us, but cool either way!) We chose to use cloth inserts and I am LOVING it. You can buy cute little pink ones with frills on the bum. We are driving to Etobicoke next week to pick some up we bought on Kijiji and I am thinking of making a stop in TO or somewhere to buy some more! I'll post of picture of B wearing them. Oh they make me happy :)


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