summer girl 2010

summer girl 2010

Monday, October 12, 2009


Well, it is now October and I will be returning to work in a few short months (January to be exact)... and I am still waiting for that milestone. Ella was 3 weeks old when she first rolled over...okay, it was an accident, but the desire was there. Briar has yet to hold her head up on her own. We are getting very close to doing it for a few seconds. I feel like I want to have a party when she has her first milestone, but it is making me think about returning to work. I am of course returning because I will be off in the summer. I just feel like most parents would have seen ALL the major milestones in the first year... I haven't seen one. I want to be there for that one, cheering her on, clapping and screaming my head off! LOL So, what to do... we will see.

We just got her insert for her high chair, which has made a world of difference. It holds everything for her but her head, that is her job... see how much she likes it. Briar gets very frustrated when asked to work, but it also motivates her. We have now been going to PT and OT at Five Counties Children Centre (5CCC) for 2 weeks. Since going to 5CCC, we are not seeing Osk (our health unit physiotherapist) as much. She has been so amazing and I miss her. I miss a lot of people who would not have meant that much to me, had it not been for all our time spent in hospital.

I feel like I am rambling and it feels good :) Thanksgiving was great, everyone was very impressed with Briar. Especially her new found eye contact. She has been focusing slightly more and it is nice to have people recognize this. We are having some difficulties with weight gain but she is gaining slowly. I am trying to emphasize that she is gaining and not losing to her pediatrician, our amazing Dr. Moradhassel, we will see what she thinks.

Well, time to go and attempt to get another feeding in, we will see what Bebo has planned. LOL


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