I am going crazy with appointments. First of all we are now at 5ccc on a weekly basis, which is great. We are being followed by genetics, and have our "big" appointment coming up on the 22nd. That's when Briar gets to meet with a geneticist that might actually be able to tell us some specific things about Briar, not 1P36 kids in general. She has a 6 Mb deletion which puts her kind of in the middle. I'm interested in finding out a little about her future. I know they won't be able to tell me exactly what to expect, but it's better than the wait and see we get from most doctors! :)
We have a cardiology appointment when she is three (Ha! That's what they told us before she needed to be on oxygen for six weeks and have a PDA Ligation.) to see if her ASD and VSD's are closed.
We have our usual every three weeks appointment at the Pediatrician. B is also seeing our family doctor on a more relaxed basis.
We are going to Neurology in January. This one has really pissed me off because she was supposed to go back in August, but the earliest appointment was January!!! I know other children need to see the neurologist but with a growing brain and baby, I was hoping to be in when they said I should... AUGUST!!!
Osk is supposed to schedule an appointment every month, but I think she may have forgotten, I should call her.
Briar was in for some thyroid and pheno levels again. It's funny cause the MDS people are always like, "Oh a baby, I hope she's not having the blood taken!" I feel like saying, she has had blood taken well over 100 times in her life. It was on a daily basis while in the hospital, sometimes more if they didn't get enough!! But I know they are just caring ladies. Gee, I get annoyed easily...
On a positive note that has nothing to do with Briar but will help us all in the long run... We got our refinancing approved so we can pay off my student loan finally! As well as get a new furnace for our OLD house and some other things we desperately need. It will also allow me some time off in the summer with Briar!! I can't wait and I am thinking of it already. I am also pleasantly surprised that I am excited to go back to work. It was very hard to leave Ella the first time, but I think the prospect of having the summer off (therefore only working Jan-June) is very exciting. I also know Briar will be with someone who loves her dearly (Auntie Care!!!) until she gets into a centre (unless Care wants to have her full time? ;) LOL
PS The pic of Ella was her trying a hot pepper after I told her not too!
Anyways, good bye for now! Love Mama Powers
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