So this is totally a pointless post, but I am over the moon because Briar is napping as we speak. Since the geneticist mentioned that she thinks Briar could still be seizing, we have witnessed two seizures. This would explain her funky sleep schedule and some of her developmental delays... so great news, we see her pediatrician and doctor both this week!!! The seizures were not as severe as before, more muscle contractions but not the flailing part. She did seem less aware of her surrounding though (back track: When Briar was seven weeks old, she had a Nissan Fundoplication and literally the next morning the nurse asked me if she ever made any jolts or moved a lot in the night. I was like, this hypotonia child? NO! So, we went on to witness 8 seizures over the next 3 days before being discharged. Briar stopped seizing the day before discharge and no one at the hospital seemed all that concerned. After being home for two and a half weeks, she started seizing again and this time it was more frequently, with the seizures lasting longer and longer. So back we were in the hospital and I don't have to tell you how trying this was).
Briar has what are called "infantile spasms", basically for Briar, her arms, hands, legs and feet flail out and the muscles in her body contract. You can feel them tightening. She is very aware of everyone and usually keeps eye contact with me when I hold her. I like to hold her arms and legs tight to try to stop the contracting... this occasionally works or at least I think it does. Anyways, the original point is that on Monday when she had a seizure, she was not able to look at me like she usually did, so I will just monitor the seizures and keep track of the frequency, duration and what she is doing.
But on a positive note.... her tooth is partially through!!! I am feeling like a first time mom here. I think it's because it's a MILESTONE, maybe I'll just throw that word out there. It's not like holding her head up or sitting, but it's something and I'll take it. As for the napping part, it's over... I can here her upstairs! Oh well, just another day.
Peace, Ashley