summer girl 2010

summer girl 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010


It's so hard with children to know when they are not feeling well, but this is especially true of a special needs child. Charles and I have little clues that tell us and a good one is that Briar is not regurgitating as much. This is always bitter sweet for us. To see our baby not constantly in pain from throwing up is wonderful, but it usually means that she is getting some type of illness.

We went to the pediatrician on Friday and she politely gave me trouble for not administering Briar's phenobarb on a regular basis in the evening. Typically we give it to her in the morning and after a long day at daycare and then coming home to eat, Briar is asleep before bed time routines. I shouldn't make excuses, but she doesn't live our life and she doesn't always get it. I do what is best for my children always, but I really hate meds... and Briar REALLY hates meds (too thin!)

Anyways, Briar had a great week at day care. Her front 7th tooth finally came in!!!! But she has a big one coming through and she seems to get very agitated in the evening. We just rub it for her or offer her something cold (which she hates)

I have really been working hard on a few signs with her this week. She has her own "eat" sign because she puts her fist to her mouth, but we are also working on "sleep" and "milk". I think I will start "mom" this week and Charles try teaching her "dad"

I am so tried, I have been working a lot lately to get some money for Charles so he can have a great time on his trip in December!! Have a good night everyone XOXOX Ashley

PS Oh yeah, Ella's first day of school is Monday!! She is in full days all week. Her classroom is downstairs from me, but still close enough for me to walk by every so often HAHAHA Oh we are all so excited, Briar even picked out a nice dress for her to wear on her first day.

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