summer girl 2010

summer girl 2010

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

spring = change

Well Spring is finally upon us and I AM READY!

Some new things happening, my beautiful niece was born on April 27, 2011. She is perfect in ever way. Just look at her!! I have three nieces and two daughters, so lots of excitement in the coming years LOL

Briar has been doing very well. She is currently fighting a cold (it's a long, uphill battle) but she is doing it on her own with no antibiotics so we are quite proud :)

The best news (for me) is that after June, when school is out I will officially be a stay at home mom!!! I am over the moon excited about this important change for our family. I feel like we really need to focus on Briar's therapies, and this is the best thing I can do for her and Ella. Anyways, just a quick update


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