Going on day 3 of little to no sleep. I think I might be going crazy. I have solved many of the worlds problems but then I forget. Oh well! Briar is sick, coughing all night. We have a regimen (saline, humidifier, inhalers, nasal suction, mattress elevated) but it does nothing!!!!! Those extra exclamation mark are for my frustration. We are considering taking her to the doctor today but what will she do, prescribe MORE meds or admit us to the hospital... lose/lose in my eyes. By the way, incase you thought this was a theoretical explanation of sleep, it's more of a rant! So it's almost time for me to go to work. Briar has missed pretty much this entire month at daycare due to illness, and my bill keeps racking up!! I need a break from either illness or her. The thing is, I only feel this way when I am totally drained. I can't get refreshed because she is sick, if she goes to hospital (the break) I am there with her and still up all night!!! Come on, when does this end, we're talking a month of illness. I know what the problem is, I get this terrible anxiety that we are going to go to the hospital and have to stay, just like when she was born, for months. I hate it there. It smells too clean and everyone is fake nice. They always seem to pity you. I hate that.
Hi, my name is Ashley. I am the mother of two children; Ella age 5 and Briar age 2, Briar has 1P36.
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