summer girl 2010

summer girl 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

I am tired

Hi Everyone,
Well as we look around, it's easy to see that winter has left us. My chives are growing and the birds are singing.

My little B had been doing all that she can to hold that huge (and by huge I mean small) head of hers up. We are really working on chewing. This involves me putting food such as shredded cheese, bread or cooked pasta in her mouth and manually moving her jaw up and down. It seems to be helping. We are also trying to transition to a sippy cup. This is not easy as the flow is fast and B likes things a certain way (don't we all?) We try it every so often and hopefully she starts preferring that to a bottle. Today we see Dr. M and I am really hoping she says, "No more formula for that chubby babe" hahaha I can hope. Briar was sick a few weeks ago and we were in hospital for a four days. It was weird, we knew we weren't going to be staying, yet the same feelings of anxiety and anger were still there. I felt snappy with people although I'm sure they didn't notice. We had a male nurse and while I was casually talking to him he said, "I know, isn't that retarded?" I felt sad for him.

We have started the process of getting Briar a special needs stroller. This can be used for so many things such as a high chair. We have done the home assessment and now we need to go to a seating clinic. I am very excited but also sad, we were hoping by now that Briar would be able to support herself. Her muscles seem so strong to me, sometimes I think she could almost sit on her own because of her back muscles. Anyways, Briar's reflux is getting worse again. It was completely gone when she had pneumonia and now it has returned full force. Lately, I have felt like crying when it happens. I used to think, oh we'll just wipe it up and be on our way. I'm not sure when that changed, but I do feel stressed now about it. We went to walmart today and she threw up 5 times in the store, we were there for maybe 15 minutes. The car ride home was another 2 times and a couple more once we got home and moved her into the living room. I hate reflux more than anything else because she is in pain having solid food come up and out. I watch it rise to her throat and we attempt to have her swallow it, but lately she has been coughing and then it all comes out. The frustration is also there because she has to wear a bib all day or change her clothes all the time.

I am currently trying to access community living services. I am playing phone tag with the woman and secretly laughing about how she will react to a 1 year old seeking these services, but Osk said that Briar is someone who will need them so why not start that relationship now? I happen to agree. It feels so nice to talk to people who enjoy your child even if she doesn't smile or talk back.

We went to the sugar bush this weekend and a nice old lady said "Oh, look at her eye lashes. They are beautiful, hello darling!! Oh, you aren't very happy are you?" How do I respond to that, as a person who is now accustomed to dealing with this situation I laugh it off and say, "No, she's just tired" but as a mom, I am tired of people seeing her as sad or unhappy, that makes me feel terrible, like maybe she won't ever be happy. The swimming instructor told me she thought Briar looked sad and was trying to tell me "Get me out of here mom" I don't blame anyone, I would probably respond the same way. I am just tired....

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