summer girl 2010

summer girl 2010

Thursday, January 20, 2011

What's new

I have no idea when my last post was or what it was about, so thought now was a good time to write.

The past few months have been hard. I am usually a positive mama when it comes to Briar but I feel like I'm breaking. Not sure if that describes it accurately but I am struggling. I am not used to having an ill child. I know I have said this before but every hospitalization makes me feel lost and trapped at the same time. We adapt as best we can. I guess I am feeling like why I am working if I am needed with Briar all the time. When she is sick, I have to be off with her but we still have to pay our bills like daycare! I often feel like there has to be another option out there for special needs children but I haven't found it. In ontario, if you work, there is very little financial support (even Briar's disability cheque is based on our income) but what family can support two kids on a single family income!?!? I am frustrated with our system but I don't know what to do about it!!! I need a new accessible home, I need respite care and I need to win the lottery :)

Briar is in the hospital again with pneumonia. She never fully recovered from her last hospitalization at Christmas time. I am happy to say she seems more like herself now. I spent the night last night (Charles and I take turns) and I came up with a nice daily program for Briar. It should be fun to start once she is free. Example, Monday is tactile play, Tuesday is stretching and massage, etc... I will update you when we are freed.

PS shout out to mama McCann and here's to hoping a baby is entering the world any minute :) ashley, I love you! You are such a dear friend, we have grown from misbehaving teens to rocking mamas. Can't wait to meet him (... Or her) <3