summer girl 2010

summer girl 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

Briar gets a new tooth, while Ella is at ballet :)

It's coming soon

SANTA SILLY!! No no no, Briar's surgery. First of all let me say that I think she has a cold, but is not as sick as I thought, phew! We are getting ready and it kinda feels like having a baby again; packing my bag, making plans for Ella, calling family and keeping them in the loop. But our "baby" is almost 2, I could cry right now! 2!!! WOW, what a life we have been through already. It makes me think of the first few months. I was oblivious to anyone but Briar and myself. Just two girls hanging out 12 hours a day (and lots of sleepovers). I remember her first surgery, I let go of her hand and the doctor pulled her bed away. I said "Take care of my baby," just like in the movies! But I meant it, please be safe with her, she doesn't understand what is happening. Now I am prepared and I understand the risks, benefits and all that other stuff.... but am I really ready? I don't know...

This time her surgery is not a difficult one, in fact they could do it on an adult in like 30 minutes and you would be discharged that day. The difference is that Briar needs to be asleep and will take more time to heal. It is difficult for her to fight infection. I just need it to be over with. I can feel the emotion coming through already. The letting her go with a stranger, the waiting with all the worried parents (you don't know what they are going through, Briar's last roomie was an 18 year old who had 8 hour back surgery), the recovery room (just to say hi!) and the stay (constant monitoring, learning new terms and procedures, sick babies). I guess I am ready. Ready for my daughter to feel good about eating, to feel good about riding in a vehicle, to be able to play and not have to sit for hours. So I guess this is it...