summer girl 2010

summer girl 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010

Back to the grind

Well today is the day I never saw coming, I`m back to work. I knew it would happen, but all of the sudden it was Sunday and that meant the next day was Monday!! So last night was spent in tears. Ella of course the independent go getter was like,"Mom, its okay, tomorrow I'll go to Shelly's and then when you are done work, you can pick me up" Unfortunately I didn't share her enthusiasm.

It`s been awhile since our last post. Briar is so close to being able to hold her head up on her own. She has a new motivation, I'm just not sure what it is. All of the sudden over Christmas break, she decided to start looking around and focusing on people, she seems more alert and aware of her surroundings. Its incredible!!! Family has been an amazing support over the holidays. Everyone wants to hold Briar and help with her many needs. Oh tumble form, what would we do without you!!!

With encouragement I did cut her bangs. I have to be honest, it was hard. One of the only normal things about Briar was her long beautiful hair (okay it could also be seen as freakishly long but...) So I cut it, cause I don`t care if people look at her funny or gasp when I tell them her age.

Charles and I did get our genetics report back and as expected, Jeanette said we have completely normal profiles. Not that that matters, but it allows us to relax when baby making resumes LOL (not for a long time Carol!!!)

My friend Jes is about to have her baby in February... sorry Jes, just a guess :) HAHAHA probably not too funny to you but I am not pregnant so I can laugh. I am so excited because then all my girlies will be mamas, and amazing ones at that. So I think that is all for now. I will update soon, as we have physio today and I think Sue will see a huge improvement

XOXOX Ashley